Sins of a solar empire space ponies

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As you know if you frequent this site (and who does?), strategy games are my most favorite genre ever! BFF! So you can imagine my childish excitement upon receiving the release version of Sins of a Solar Empire, the latest game from Stardock designed to ruin your life with awesomeness.

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I guess that explains why I had access to the beta all this time (I just thought it was because I am cool). You know, I totally forgot I did a preview of this game. What say you? The 4X strategy game gets real (time) with marvelous results: 8/8 The Not So Good: Slow pace with waiting for resources early in the game, all three races are basically the same, no story-driven campaign, no alternative victory conditions The Good: Streamlined yet strategically deep gameplay, excellent user interface, smart automation, fantastic graphics both up close and far away, multiplayer with the ability to save and resume progress, easy to use galaxy generator, absolutely huge maps that can take months to finish, pirates are neat (as long as they aren’t attacking you)

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Sins of a Solar Empire, developed by Ironclad Games and published by Stardock Entertainment.