Run 1d3remover to remove any audio tags on all the mp3's Renamed all mp3's to 01.mp3 through to 15.mp3 (i only added 15 songs) make sure the number of songs added are in multiples of 5 (5,10,15,20 etc) here is how i got it to work.Ĭonvert all mp3's to 128 kbps 44.1 khz 2 channel (used any audio converter free great product but make sure you uncheck the bundled software during install and run mbam after install to get rid of the forced pup)(might be open candy but can't remember) (converter will still work after removal ) Nexus user billymonster reported how he made the MyRadio mod work by following this instructions: I know we talked about this in the chat, but I am posting this here in case other people have this problem too.